Source code of this part can be downloaded here.
In this part we’ll create our first views and display them inside their regions. The views are the controls that display our content. Because our application is build with modularity in mind it’s the Module and not the Shell that should define which views need to be added to the regions.
1) We add a folder “Views” to our Module project and 4 views inside this new folder:
- CreateFileView: One of the views that can be displayed in the MainRegion
- CreatFolderView: Another view for the MainRegion
- MenuView: Control that will be responsible to Add views to the MainRegion
- StatusBar: Control that will be added to the StatusBarRegion

To add views to our regions we use the prism region manager service. The region manager service is responsible for maintaining a collection of regions and creating new regions for controls. Typically, we interact directly with region manager service to locate regions in a decoupled way through their name and add views to those regions. By default, the UnityBootstrapper base class registers an instance of this service in the application container. This means that we can obtain a reference to the region manager service in our application by using dependency injection.
We use constructor dependency injection to gather an instance of the RegionManager and store it in a local field and it’s in the Initialize method of our CoreModule class that we implement logic to add the initial views to our Regions.
2) Modify the CoreModule class like:
1: public class CoreModule : IModule
2: {
3: private readonly IRegionManager regionManager;
5: public CoreModule(IRegionManager regionManager)
6: {
7: this.regionManager = regionManager;
8: }
10: public void Initialize()
11: {
12: this.RegisterViewsWithRegions();
13: }
15: protected virtual void RegisterViewsWithRegions()
16: {
17: this.regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion(RegionNames.MenuRegion, typeof(MenuView));
18: this.regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion(RegionNames.StatusbarRegion, typeof(StatusbarView));
19: }
20: }
To overcome magic constants in our code we used a class containing all our region names.
3) Add this RegionNames class to your Infrastructure Library:
1: namespace PrismWalkthrough.Infrastructure
2: {
3: public class RegionNames
4: {
5: public const string MainRegion = "MainRegion";
6: public const string MenuRegion = "MenuRegion";
7: public const string StatusbarRegion = "StatusbarRegion";
8: }
9: }
Finally to see something displayed in our Menu and StatusBar we need to add some content inside these controls:
4) Modify the MenuView.xaml:
<Menu Name="menu1" Background="Transparent" >
<MenuItem Header="File" >
<MenuItem Header="New" CommandParameter="CreateFile" />
<MenuItem Header="Folder" CommandParameter="CreateFolder" />
5) Modify the StatusBarView.xaml:
<TextBlock Text="This is the StatusBar" />
When pressing F5 you should see: